
All work on this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission of the artist.

30 September 2011

Line of Thinking

                                           Line of Thinking   20x16 oil/linen

Okay, the challenge continues.  What is she thinking?  I credit my husband for the title.  The laundry is hanging in my yard, but the figure was transported from the Peggy Kroll-Roberts workshop last fall in Scottsdale. Yes, we do have summer in Vermont.  It just doesn't last long.
Thanks for looking....  and thinking.


Jill Berry said...

She's probably thinking... "I should paint this".

Dale Sherman Blodget said...

Perfect, Jill. Thanks.

Melanie Sherman said...

She is thinking, "I'm totally sick of white. I want some tie-dye sheets. And I want my towels to be primary colors."

Nina Rochette said...

This is one of my favorites yet in this series, and the grass is my favorite part.