
All work on this site is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without permission of the artist.

06 March 2009

New Reason

For anyone who does not have a blog, I found a new reason to start one. It's my newest fun-thing-to-do. Right up there with horseback riding and kayaking, almost. It's that little gadget on the right called Feedjit. They are not even paying me to write this. When I check in, I look at the map and see that someone from Australia had a look. Or Spain. All over the globe. No idea why I get such a kick out of it. Been in the mountains too long??

1 comment:

Jill Berry said...

Yea, I enjoy checking my traffic map too. If you want an indepth look at facts such as how long people stay on your site or which posts they went to, you can hook your blog up to Google Analytics.