I'm always puzzled when I hear artists speak disparagingly of oil pastels. "They're just crayons". Yes, I've heard this more than once. It must be a mantra repeated at Pastel Society conferences.
I repeated it to my friend Mary Armstrong, oil pastelist extraordinaire, http://www.victoriamunroefineart.com/artists/mary_armstrong/index.htm
and she laughed, too. "They were developed by Sennelier in collaboration with Picasso. And anyway who cares if they're like crayons? What's wrong with crayons?"
Honk your horn or clap your hands at 3:45pm EST on 1/31/09 if you love crayons.
Picasso wanted a fast color fast way of working and why shouldn't we. Yes!!! to oil and soft pastels. Great way to study color and the choices one makes.
What kind of person doesn't love a cow or coloring???? This is a "no snob zone." I think you did a great job with the lighting. Interesting point from Dona as a way to study color choices.
It's the impulse to create art that matters, don't you think?
Thanks for visiting my blog Dale. I love your work.
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